Wednesday, November 9, 2016

My opinion about the trailer „Nos enfants nous accuseront”
(Our children will accuse us)

The trailer of  „Nos enfants nous accuseront” (Our children will accuse us) shows the ecological problem that affects treatment with pesticides. I think this issue is worth being discussed, however, it is essential to show the different views. But unfortunately this is not the case in this trailer.

At first, when I seen it, I was really scared because I thought that the risks of pesticide use are too serious for farmers and consumers. But after seeing some reviews, I realized that we can see some shortcomings. In particular, the scientist who appears in this document, presents a thesis based only on unverified assumptions. This thesis assumes that pesticides cause huge numbers of cancer. However, critics present the scientific sources which tell that the dangers of pesticides on the consumer are probable but not confirmed.

Secondly, we can realize that in this trailer the stage-manager used the emotional and intellectual manipulation. Music is a perfect example. It's sad, dark, appalling, that is to say, it is an instrument to convince us, to terrify us. Another example is the scene where scientific ask the public if they know the presonnes who are sick, and then he attributes this illness to environemental problems. It does not consider  that many things may impact on this disease, for example genes or drugs.

Finally, this way of presenting the subject of pesticides gives the impression that the viewer is seen as someone unable to think and to draw the correct conclusions.

1 comment:

  1. I also saw this trailer and for first time, I had the same reaction like you. I was shocked and scared but after I saw that we were just manipulated.
