Friday, December 9, 2016

The most dangerous on the road is drunk driver? No!
 It turns out that much weaker reflexes behind the wheel have people who, before starting the engine, smoked marijuana. Much more dangerous of the two groups are completely sober people who decided to write SMS while they drive.

Transport Research Laboratory draws attention to this problem. They recently conducted a special experiment for the youngest group of drivers who prefer to reach for the phone while driving.
They found that the ability to respond to events on the road decreases by  35 percent when  driver writes text messages.

Belgians also conducted an experiment. They told L-drives to write SMS and at the same time drive a car. I want to present you a short video about it:


  1. I really liked that video and the idea of the driving instructo.I think that people should be aware that even one minute of distraction while driving can cost someone’s life.

  2. Thanks God, I do not have my driving licence. I can write text messages without limits :)

  3. It is really scary how many people are using their phones while driving these days. People should think more about the consequences of their behaviour. I hope the situation will change someday.
