Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Avocado is considered as one of the healthiest food. Many claim that this is  "Superfood”. For some people it may be a surprise that it is a fruit, not a vegetable. In some parts of the world avocado it is called the “alligator pear” because of its shape and dark green, rough skin. Although avocado contains a lot of calories, this calories are full of nutritional value.

The health benefits of avocados:
Ø  Brain: avocado combines the omega-3 fatty acid with natural vitamin E, which is a clinically validated as prevention against the development of Alzheimer's disease.
Ø  Heart: included in the avocado vitamin B6 and folic acid naturally help regulate homocysteine, which - if it is too much - is the indication of a bad heart condition.
Ø  Pregnancy: Folic acid is commonly recommended for pregnant women to help develop the child’s brain and other organs.
Ø  Eyes: Avocados contain carotenoids - lutein. Lutein is an antioxidant that protects the eyes from damage caused by oxidative stress.
Ø  The blood sugar level: monounsaturated fatty acids can prevent or reverse insulin resistance, one of the causes of Type II diabetes.

Ø  Malignancies: avocados may help protect against prostate cancer and breast cancer.

So... let's eat avocado!

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