Wednesday, December 28, 2016

All good things come to an end. My holidays were outstanding, as always. I love it :) I love the time spent with my family. I like giving gifts, having fun with my little cousins and just  not thinking about the responsibilities and problems.

Today I watched a moving advertisement. I will not reveal the details - you have to see that for yourself.
The most powerful lesson I have learned is to have time for the most important people in your life before it's too late!

Friday, December 9, 2016

The most dangerous on the road is drunk driver? No!
 It turns out that much weaker reflexes behind the wheel have people who, before starting the engine, smoked marijuana. Much more dangerous of the two groups are completely sober people who decided to write SMS while they drive.

Transport Research Laboratory draws attention to this problem. They recently conducted a special experiment for the youngest group of drivers who prefer to reach for the phone while driving.
They found that the ability to respond to events on the road decreases by  35 percent when  driver writes text messages.

Belgians also conducted an experiment. They told L-drives to write SMS and at the same time drive a car. I want to present you a short video about it:

Monday, November 28, 2016

Making exercises

Making exercises has a good influence on your health for several reasons. First of all, regular physical activity eradicates diseases. It is due to circulatory system which feel a lot of positive sides of exercising,  for example the increase of oxygen levels in the blood or improvement of coronary blood flow. Also, by dint of making exercises, you can deal with civilization diseases such as diabetes and cerebral stroke.  After that, regular movement helps you to control weight. When you exercise, you burn calories. Consequently, you can enjoy your slender profile, which influences your comfort, well-being and mental health. Finally, workout ensures you very deep and quiet sleep. During exercising the body temperature rises, but after exercises the temperature drops. As a result, it becomes easier to fell asleep. So, if you have sleep problems, it is good to train by day. In other words, if you want to have a good mood, have a good sleep and care about your health, regular physical activity is very desirable. 

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Today I want to present you some interesting building - District Museum in Sandomierz. I was there a few years ago.

This place has a very  interesting history. The castle was built on a high hill flooded by waters of the Vistula, which ensures effective defense against the enemy. Wooden castle was the  fortifiled headquarter. In 1138 under the will of Boleslaw Krzywousty, Sandomierz  was the district capital of the duchy and the castle was promoted to the permanent residence of the dukes, for example  Henryk Sandomierski.
Next, in the sixteenth century, King Zygmunt I Stary started the reconstruction of the Gothic castle into a Renaissance residence. During The Deluge the castle was almost all blown up. Then, in the years 1965-1986 authorities of Sandomierz carried out a thorough renovation and maintenance of the castle.

Now, few words about attractions. The museum has some worthwile selections:
- archaeological selection which contains the monuments from the Stone, Bronze, Iron, Middle Ages to Modern from the city.
-ethnographic  selection which contains the  objects of material culture, spiritual and social residents.
-art selection where  we can find the paintings collection of prints and drawings from the eighteenth century to the present.
-historical selection - monuments documenting the history of Sandomierz.
-in the rooms of the royal cuisine it is presented a collection of Goldsmith from various renowned European workshops.

I would highly recommend this musem. We can learn a lot about the history of Sandomierz.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

My opinion about the trailer „Nos enfants nous accuseront”
(Our children will accuse us)

The trailer of  „Nos enfants nous accuseront” (Our children will accuse us) shows the ecological problem that affects treatment with pesticides. I think this issue is worth being discussed, however, it is essential to show the different views. But unfortunately this is not the case in this trailer.

At first, when I seen it, I was really scared because I thought that the risks of pesticide use are too serious for farmers and consumers. But after seeing some reviews, I realized that we can see some shortcomings. In particular, the scientist who appears in this document, presents a thesis based only on unverified assumptions. This thesis assumes that pesticides cause huge numbers of cancer. However, critics present the scientific sources which tell that the dangers of pesticides on the consumer are probable but not confirmed.

Secondly, we can realize that in this trailer the stage-manager used the emotional and intellectual manipulation. Music is a perfect example. It's sad, dark, appalling, that is to say, it is an instrument to convince us, to terrify us. Another example is the scene where scientific ask the public if they know the presonnes who are sick, and then he attributes this illness to environemental problems. It does not consider  that many things may impact on this disease, for example genes or drugs.

Finally, this way of presenting the subject of pesticides gives the impression that the viewer is seen as someone unable to think and to draw the correct conclusions.

Friday, November 4, 2016

What kind of beauty are you?
To find out what your type of beauty is, you must to follow a really simple rule:

If you have a warm type of beauty, you will look good in warm colors.
If you have a cold type of beauty, you will look good  in cool colors.
There are several ways, to determine the type of beauty:

     1) Colour of vein
Method quite difficult, even for experts. We look at the veins located on the inside of your wrist and try to determine whether their color gets more in a green or blue tint. A very important element in this experiment is the natural lighting. The green color of veins is a warm type of beauty, blue is a cold type of beauty  

For this test, you will need two lipsticks. The first lipstick should be a warm hue. This may be a peach, light brown, orange or coral color. Second lipstick should be associated with freshness and coolness. Best to choose fuchsia, pearl or hot pink. 
Compare the results - if first lipstick fits you more, you are a warm type. If you prefer the color of second one , it means that you're kind of cool.

3) Jewellery
       If silver better harmonizes with your complexion and hair are cool type. In the case of gold, you can certainly say that I am kind of warm

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


We distinguish three primary colors, thanks to them we can get any other color. These primary colors are red, yellow and blue.  For a particular color, apart from the content of each individual tone, the brightness has also a big influence. Therefore, the amount of colors distinguished by us is so huge - each of them is a component of 4 factors. Additionally, we perceive the color differently on a shiny surfaces and on a matt surfaces. To simplify the description of colors, we use the terms: cool colors and warm colors.

Warm colors are those that are formulated with a major proportion of red. This is due to evolution, because for centuries, the red color of fire was associated with warmth. Warm colors evoke the human sense of closeness and optimism. Pure red color can also cause aggression, because of associations with strong impulse, which is the sight of blood.

Cool colors are those in which blue is the predominant color. It is obvious association with cold water or ice.

Also, our skin, hair and eyes can take shades of warm or cool. It is good to know your own shade of color, in order to properly choose the color of clothes, makeup and so on. I will prepare my next blog entry about it :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Recently I watched a program '' The question for breakfast '. 'I like it because I often can learn many interesting things. Today cucumbers attracted my attention :)

Cucumber is a vegetable whose properties and nutritional value we should appreciate- especially in hot weather. Cucumber has almost 97 percent of water, so it will quench your thirst. At the same time it is low in calories, so it can be incorporated into a weight-loss diet people.

Cucumbers have anticancer properties. Scientists whose research results were published in "Cancer Research" are of the opinion that cucurbitacin can protect against the development of pancreatic cancer.

Cucumbers are recommended for people with bad breath and struggling with the odor of sweat(<--there are signs of excessive amounts of harmful substances in the body).

Cucumber should be included in the diet of people struggling with heartburn.

Cucumber is widely used in cosmetics. We know a lot of tonics, lotions, masks and creams with extracts of cucumber. They are especially recommended for people with oily skin and with acne.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

A small dictionary of the French language

Hi! I had the idea to translate you some basic French words . Probably often you hear them but do you know what they mean?

Je t'aime- I love you
très bien- very well
Je suis desolé! - I'm sorry
Oui- Yes
Non- No
excusez-moi- excuse me
Pourqoui -why?
Qui- who
0ù- where
Quand- when
Bonjour- Good morning/ good afternoon
Bonsoir!- good evening
Bonne nuit!- good night 
Au revoir- goodbye
Comment ça va?- how do you do?
Comment tu t'appelles ?- What is your name?
Parlez vous français ?- Do you speak French?
Quelle heure est-il? - What time is it?
Il est six heures. - it is six o'clock.

as you can see it is not difficult :) Sooo.... learn French!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The winter came. The snow on the streets and sidewalks. A handkerchiefs in our pockets... What to do to not be sick in these cold days?

-> First of all, you should avoid large crowds of people, in which there are chilled people.
-> It is recommended to dress depending on the weather, pereferably multilayared, which increases
thermal insulation of body.
-> Eat lots of vegetables and fruits, especially oranges and reds.
-> Do not forget about regular physical exercise. Maintaining good physical condition helps to prevent getting sick in the winter, because it strengthens the immune system.
-> Avoid chronic stress.You should take regular activities discharging stress and tension, for example to learn to distance yourself from work, relax or indulge in your favorite sports activities.
-> Dream is very important for health . During sleep immune cells are activated.

So. take care!!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

New Year's Eve
New Year's Eve is associated with many interesting facts about which most of us probably do not know
- A name Dec. 31 probably derives from the name of Pope Sylvester II, who according to ancient tales, saved humanity from destruction by a dragon Leviathan

- Saint Sylvester, whose name is associated with the night on December 31, is the patron saint of domestic animals

- On New Year's Eve born: Nicholas Sparks (American writer), Anthony Hopkins (British actor), Val Kilmer (American actor), George Marshall (American general, politician, Nobel laureate), Wojciech Kossak (Polish painter), Agnieszka Grochowska (Polish actress)

-New Year's greetings in different languages:  Happy New Year (English), Bonne Année (in French), Feliz año nuevo (in Spanish), Felix sit annus novus (Latin), Buon Anno (in Italian)