Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Recently I watched a program '' The question for breakfast '. 'I like it because I often can learn many interesting things. Today cucumbers attracted my attention :)

Cucumber is a vegetable whose properties and nutritional value we should appreciate- especially in hot weather. Cucumber has almost 97 percent of water, so it will quench your thirst. At the same time it is low in calories, so it can be incorporated into a weight-loss diet people.

Cucumbers have anticancer properties. Scientists whose research results were published in "Cancer Research" are of the opinion that cucurbitacin can protect against the development of pancreatic cancer.

Cucumbers are recommended for people with bad breath and struggling with the odor of sweat(<--there are signs of excessive amounts of harmful substances in the body).

Cucumber should be included in the diet of people struggling with heartburn.

Cucumber is widely used in cosmetics. We know a lot of tonics, lotions, masks and creams with extracts of cucumber. They are especially recommended for people with oily skin and with acne.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

A small dictionary of the French language

Hi! I had the idea to translate you some basic French words . Probably often you hear them but do you know what they mean?

Je t'aime- I love you
très bien- very well
Je suis desolé! - I'm sorry
Oui- Yes
Non- No
excusez-moi- excuse me
Pourqoui -why?
Qui- who
0ù- where
Quand- when
Bonjour- Good morning/ good afternoon
Bonsoir!- good evening
Bonne nuit!- good night 
Au revoir- goodbye
Comment ça va?- how do you do?
Comment tu t'appelles ?- What is your name?
Parlez vous français ?- Do you speak French?
Quelle heure est-il? - What time is it?
Il est six heures. - it is six o'clock.

as you can see it is not difficult :) Sooo.... learn French!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The winter came. The snow on the streets and sidewalks. A handkerchiefs in our pockets... What to do to not be sick in these cold days?

-> First of all, you should avoid large crowds of people, in which there are chilled people.
-> It is recommended to dress depending on the weather, pereferably multilayared, which increases
thermal insulation of body.
-> Eat lots of vegetables and fruits, especially oranges and reds.
-> Do not forget about regular physical exercise. Maintaining good physical condition helps to prevent getting sick in the winter, because it strengthens the immune system.
-> Avoid chronic stress.You should take regular activities discharging stress and tension, for example to learn to distance yourself from work, relax or indulge in your favorite sports activities.
-> Dream is very important for health . During sleep immune cells are activated.

So. take care!!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

New Year's Eve
New Year's Eve is associated with many interesting facts about which most of us probably do not know
- A name Dec. 31 probably derives from the name of Pope Sylvester II, who according to ancient tales, saved humanity from destruction by a dragon Leviathan

- Saint Sylvester, whose name is associated with the night on December 31, is the patron saint of domestic animals

- On New Year's Eve born: Nicholas Sparks (American writer), Anthony Hopkins (British actor), Val Kilmer (American actor), George Marshall (American general, politician, Nobel laureate), Wojciech Kossak (Polish painter), Agnieszka Grochowska (Polish actress)

-New Year's greetings in different languages:  Happy New Year (English), Bonne Année (in French), Feliz año nuevo (in Spanish), Felix sit annus novus (Latin), Buon Anno (in Italian)