Thursday, January 26, 2017

Today I want to show you some interesting facts you should know

  •  A killer whale is able to jump up to 5 meters above the water surface.
  • A human blinks about 20 times per minute.
  • When a person dies, the first sense that  he loses is sight. Hearing is the last.
  • We see our nose all the time but the brain ignores it.
  • Our left lung is smaller than our right lung to allow room for heart.
  • To make a step you use 200 muscles.
  • We use 17 muscles to smile.
  • The human brain cell can hold 5 times as much information as the Encyclopedia Britannica.
  • The tooth is the only part of the human body which can not regenerate itself.
  • The human nose can recognize 50 000 different odors
  • The navel divides the body of a newborn baby into two equal parts.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Hello! Today I want to present you my summary of very interesting article ;) 

The article entitled “How Sugar Addiction Works” written by Melanie Radzicki  McManus presents the problem of addiction to sugar.  At the beginning, the author underlines that the average people’s daily caloric intake of sugar is upper that should be. In general, the best amount of sugar totals less than 5 percent, but  in Portugal, for example, in children’s diet the amount of extra sugars represents 25% of kids’ daily calories.  This omnipresence of added sugar is due to the fact that these sugars are added during food processing to give them a better taste.
Next, the author passes on a reflection if it is possible to be addicted to sweets. As in the case of other addictions, people who adore sweets do not control the consumption. Also,  when we eat sweets, huge amounts of dopamine are emitted. It is released into the bloodstream, resulting in stimulation of “reward center”.  This multiplies the feeling of pleasure and this is another common trait with other addictions. On the other hand, one team of scientists claimed that people can be addicted to eating but not to the chemical substances contained in food - but it does not change the fact that sugar has bad impact on health.
In recent years addition of sugar into food has become very popular. It was due to the change in dietary habits and the resignation of fats in 1980. But as we know, fat gives flavor to dishes, so the food industry had to replace it with something. They switched to sugar. Consequently,  sugar consumption increased. It is worth to remind here what is the repercussion of the spike-and-crash syndrome. This phenomenon causes a “loosening” of blood sugar levels which means rapid rise and fall of glucose levels. Unluckily, then our body demands more sugar and so on.
Fortunately, there is the light at the end of the tunnel. The Food and Drug Administration want to include added sugars on the “nutrition facts” label. It may signify interest in this problem.
The article ends with a reflection on how to wean from eating sweets. For example, we can gradually reduce the number of teaspoons of sugar added to coffee or we can begin to exercise (it affects the brain and then it is more resistant to sight of sweets).

Monday, January 16, 2017

Disadvantages of smoking
Smoking  is  a  bad  habit  for  several  reasons  which  are  associated  with  health,  beauty  and money. First of all, smoke has a very big influence on the health state.  Studies show that lung cancer  is  a  disease  that  affects  almost  exclusively  smokers.  But  there  are  also  many  other ailments caused by cigarettes,  for example cardiovascular disease or ocular discomfort. Next, this habit destroys  beauty. Among smokers skin  aging is visible much faster  and this problem appears,  among other things,  through spots on the skin and  previous  formation  of wrinkles. Similarly,  the  hair becomes brittle  and  the  teeth turn yellow.  Consequently, the smoker  looks much older.  Finally,  smoking concerns individual financial issues.  Small amounts regularly spent on cigarettes grow to the value of foreign trips, modern electronic equipment, and even a decent car. In other words, cigarette smoking  results in serious consequences that  involve health, good looks and cash.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Here comes the difficult period in the life of every student which is the examination session. And how can you prepare well, when there is so little time?
Just remember that the notes is the most valuable thing in this period to pass school subjects. The first step to move forward is to collect all the notes from class.
Once we have the necessary learning materials, it is right at the beginning to make the action plan. Write down on a piece of paper when and for what school subject  you have a colloquium. Take into account the upcoming deadlines.
Next, see how much material you need to learn. You need to estimate about how much time it will take you to learn a whole. Then you have to estimate on how many days you can divide the learning and how much time each day you should spend on it.
If the notes you get are not readable, I recommend rewriting them on your computer or by hand.
Then, consider whether you have good lighting and if the place is suitable for learning.

One way to accelerate learning is to highlight the most important things.
Another way is to repeat information aloud.
Also, you should take a break hourly.
Furthermore, it is good to like dried fruits and nuts;) it improves the efficiency of the mind, concentration and memory.

I hope that my advice will be useful. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

New Year's Eve is a good time for a moment of reflection and reckoning with ourselves. What we have achieved? What we want to pursue? Popular New Year's resolutions are the result of such thinking.

How to keep New Year's resolutions?

-First of all, do not plan too many of them - 2 or 3 completed within one year is sufficient success.
-To increase your chances you must plan everything well -> start with small steps and enjoy each new achievement that brings you closer to the goal.

How to measure your New Year's resolutions?

Above all, look at it realistically - you will not be a millionaire in a month ;) Ask yourself what you care about, what particularly bothers you to achieve complete happiness, or what you wish for.

Here are a few examples of New Year's resolutions:

1)I'll learn a foreign language
2) I'll start exercising and I will limit sweets
3) I'll be better organized
4) I'll improve relationships with relatives

And you? Have you made any New Year's resolutions? ;)