Tuesday, June 6, 2017

By the sun, hair loses brilliance and begins to break. Especially if they are thin and rather dry. How to take care of summer hair? First of all use UV hair cosmetics. It is also important to moisturize them after coming back from the beach.

The natural shield that protects the hair from the sun is melanin. The more melanin, the better the protection. Therefore, dark hair is more resistant to UV radiation, and blond, dyed  and gray hair are more susceptible.

How to protect your hair from the sun?

In sunny days you have to protect your hair just as carefully as your skin. So you need hair cosmetics with filters. In the drugstore you will find a whole range of preparations specifically for use in the sun. Such products in addition to filters contain moisturizing, nourishing and regenerating ingredients, such as ceramides, vitamins A, B, E, F, H, jojoba oil, marine collagen or macadamia oil.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Do you know that...?

The properties of parsley have been known for over 2000 years. Leaves, fruits and roots of parsley have been used in folk medicine for centuries. Fresh leaves of parsley are very useful and can be used as a component of a healthy diet. The root of parsley is used to treat cystitis and rheumatic complaints. Fresh vegetables, including parsley,  are a valued herbal remedy for menstrual pain. Common parsley is rich in provitamin A, vitamin C, mineral salts and iron.

Vitamins and minerals in the parsley (calcium, magnesium and potassium) have a positive effect on blood circulation and iron helps fight anemia. Parsley also helps to remove toxins from the body.

Vitamin A works well for vision, especially at dusk. One tablespoon of parsley supplies daily requirement for vitamin C. Therefore, it is worth adding it to dishes, especially during periods of weakening of the body (spring solstice). In addition, the parsley refreshes the breath.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Sugar should be replaced with other substances such as xylitol, stevia and erythritol. These are healthy (almost calorie-free) sugar substitutes. People are using them more and more often.

So what can we eat on the basis of these substitutes?

1) Calorie-free jellies based on strong tea infusion, stevia and gelatin.

2)      Meringue on the basis of sweetening and egg white.

3)      Water with lemon, mint, ice and erythritol + other citrus

4)      Sorbets (containing significantly less calories) based on water and fruit.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Learning foreign languages becomes much easier when you know how the brain works!

If you want to learn a language in harmony with the brain:
1.       Synchronize both hemispheres of the brain while learning
In order to increase the flow of information between the hemispheres, it would be ideal to make some exercises such as juggling, alternating movements, and writing with both hands at the same time.

2.       Speak words, phrases and sentences aloud
There are 2 main centers for speech. One of them (Broka’s area) deals with speech production and the other (Wernicke’s area) is responsible for speech understanding

3.       Listen, listen, listen to understand better
Wernicke’s area is connected to the auditory cortex of the brain. So, when you want to learn to understand well, you have to listen in a foreign language. This will allow you not only to listen to the melody of the language, but also to absorb phrases and words unconsciously.

4.       Create rich language environment
Stick the words on the objects around you. Listen to songs in a foreign language. Watch foreign language movies. Speak in a particular language, read as much as possible, and even try to think in that language!

5.       Start learning the language as soon as possible
It is known that children are the fastest learners of language, but nothing is lost J
The best time to learn foreign languages is NOW! No matter how old you are. 13, 18, 27, 38 or 66. The brain is so plastic that it can handle a new language.

6.       Constantly turn up your motivation to learn because: 

Monday, May 22, 2017

Two is a Family / Demain tout commence

The man who runs a carefree life must take care of his daughter unexpectedly. Previously, he didn't know about her existence.
This new film is highly appreciated by the audience. I have to go to the cinema soon, I can't wait =)

Supposedly, this movie  has the power to release emotions and  goes very smoothly from comedy to drama. Moreover, the main role is played by Omar Sy known for the production such as: "The Intouchables" and "Samba". I think it could be interesting. :)
And you, have you watched the new box office hit?

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Because the name of my blog is "pineapple", I prepared the recipe for:

Succulent chicken breast fried with sweet pineapple and seasoned with curry, honey and a hint of ginger.
500 g chicken breast
6 slices of fresh pineapple
1 average onion
150 ml pineapple juice
100 ml of cream 18%
4 teaspoons of curry powder
2 teaspoons of grated ginger (or 2/3 teaspoon of ginger powder)
2 tablespoons of honey
Salt, freshly ground black pepper
2 tablespoons of olive oil
Wash and drain the chicken breast.  Cut it to thin strips, roughly equal in size. Put the meat in a bowl, Sprinkle 3 teaspoons of curry spice so that it covers every piece of meat. Leave it  in a cool place for at least 30 minutes.
In a frying pan, heat the oil and fry diced onion. When it begins to glaze, add the meat and fry until it blushes. Then add ginger, honey, garlic and sliced pineapple and pineapple juice. Fry it together until the juice partially evaporates.
When the sauce is partially reduced, add cream, season with salt, pepper and curry. If the sauce is too sparse, leave the pan for a while on the fire to make the sauce evaporate. It can also be  thickened with a teaspoon of potato flour (previously distributed in a small amount of cold water).

Serve with rice

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Cocktails - a dose of energy, health and beauty!
Cocktails are a healthy variation of your daily diet and a great way to look good.

Cocktails - milky, green, protein
Although the most popular are milkshakes, based on milk, buttermilk, yogurt or kefir, cocktails can also be made with water. Fruit and vegetable cocktails are also enriched with spices, herbs, cereals and bran or white cheese - not only to give them a special taste, but also to make them a source of important substances.

Cocktails - for health and beauty
Cocktails successfully replace dietary supplements, usually eaten in the form of tablets. Compared to supplements, drinking cocktails is a cheaper solution, more pleasant and certainly more beneficial for the body. Cocktails are good for both health and beauty, which is mostly in the form of beautiful complexion.

Here are some examples:

Milk cocktail with berries
Ingredients: buttermilk, berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries or cranberries), sugar or honey and eventually cereal bran.

Refreshing cocktail
Kephir, tangerine, lemon juice, sugar or honey

Green cocktail
Ingredients: yoghurt, frozen spinach, banana, kiwi, bran, honey and a bit of cardamom

bon appétit :)

Friday, May 5, 2017

                                        The advantages of using public transportation

Using urban public transport brings many benefits which are associated with environment, money and social issues. First of all, mass transit significantly reduces pollution and improves the state of the environment.  It is well known that cars emit a large amount of carbon dioxide. The more vehicles on the road, the more our environment is polluted. Therefore, it is worth using a tram or metro because it do not emit CO2 at all. Next, driving by public transport is cheaper than daily use of our own car. Car maintenance requires a lot of financial investments connected with fuel, repairs and charges. So, thanks to city transport we can save money. Finally, using public transportation is safer than using cars. In car accidents people die every day because drivers drive too fast. Furthermore, travel by urban transport is less stressful considering the fact that passengers don’t have to lose time looking for a car park or standing in traffic jams. In other words, mass transit permits saving cash, environment and time.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Today I am posting another part of my blog entry about zodiac signs :)

People from this zodiac sign have a romantic soul and artistic talents. They are interested in art, politics and law, they are extremely creative. Everything around them must be friendly and aesthetic. They make decisions slowly and carefully, always aptly.


They are revolutionaries and reformers. They love to overcome adversity. They are extremely ambitious, cunning and persistent, they often impose their will on others and use their advantage. Scorpions are independent and determined.


People born in this time are characterized by fiery temperament, enthusiasm and love of adventures. They are energetic optimists; they do not take life too seriously. They are cheerful and full of hope for the better. He can easily establish relations with other people and he easily gains the sympathy of the environment.


They belong to the most consistent and organized people. They will never be late. They are demanding and extremely critical. Also for themselves. Born in this sign is a modest and unobtrusive person. He is characterized by responsibility, perseverance and patience.


They like to shock and provoke. They are impartial and have a strong sense of justice. They defend the weaker and rebel against human mischief and misery.  They treat the whole world as their family. They are active and energetic people. They are interested in everything and want to try everything in their life


They are timid, secretive and they often escape into the world of illusion and dreams. They have unlimited imagination, they are extremely creative and versatile talented. People born under the Pisces sign are known for their sense of beauty and artistic sensitivity. They are characterized by personal charm;  they rarely have enemies.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Have you ever wondered whether the characteristics of our zodiac sign correspond to the character traits?


They are very confident, brave, ambitious and independent and it gives them many successes. They are also angry, quarrelsome and aggressive. Failures bring them to the rage, which fortunately passes quickly. They don't hold grudges, they can’t be angry for long time. They are willing to help but not always to cooperate. They prefer to work on their own.


People born under this sign are sensible, practical. They are characterized by diligence, patience and responsibility. When they undertake a task, they never withdraw from it. They work slowly but methodically. They do not like distracting their valuable energy.


Persons under this sign love to gossip. They are also known for the attention divisibility, which makes it easy to do many things at once. They get bored quickly. Study doesn’t make them difficult, but they can have problems at school because of forgetfulness. They have a talent for foreign languages, to write, they also deal well with technical activities. Gemini are known for their craft.


People born at this time are generally shy, delicate and sensitive. They like coziness. The greatest advantage of their mind is their excellent memory. Cancer is attached to tradition, has a conservative look at the world. He does not find himself in new, unknown situations. These people choose what they already know.


Brave and self-confident people. If they want something they will win it. Ambition, perseverance and strong will helps them. They do not like rivalry. Their success  is primarily due to the optimistic and enthusiastic disposition. Their straightforwardness and sincerity are equally valuable features of their character. Lions can’t stand the cheating and the cynicism.


Practical and personally-handled persons. In addition, self-sufficient and resourceful. They know almost everything. And if they can't do something, they will learn very quickly. They never wait with folded hands, they always have to be busy, because without the occupation they start to criticize everything. They are masters of pessimism.

In the next blog entry I will write about the rest of the zodiac signs.Take care!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Homemade face masks will help you in caring for your complexion, and don't require huge financial outlay. The ingredients needed to make an effective mask (and many other beauty treatments) will be found in your own kitchen or grocery store.
Herbs, kefir, oatmeal - aren't only a healthy snack or an addition to food, but they have a beneficial effect on the appearance of the skin or the hair. Every grandmother will confirm this. Before we burn our face in the summer sun, it is worth it once a week, to take care of smooth skin. Here are some old, simple and proven recipes for healthy and smooth face skin.

1. Cleansing apple mask
large, sour apple grate and mix with a teaspoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of cottage cheese. After 15 min. wash your face with lukewarm water or tonic.

2. Mask of oat flakes (smoothing)
3- 4 teaspoons of oat flakes should be cooked with milk in a small pot (keep on fire until boiling). The mask should have a consistency of thick mash that we apply to face and leave for 15-20 minutes.

3. Mask of curd cheese and honey (for dry skin)
Two teaspoons of honey should be slightly warmed and mixed with curd (about 100 grams). After 20-30 minutes, wash your face with warm water.

As you can see, there is nothing simpler! So let's try J

Monday, March 27, 2017

Hi. Recently, on the TV I heard a talk about new chances of detecting certain cancers. The interviewers were wondering whether blood tests could help in the detection of cancer.

Morphology is one of the most basic and most frequently performed tests. According to researchers at the University of California at San Diego, this simple test can detect the cancer and determine where the tumor cells grow. Many cancers, especially in the advanced stage, cause anemia. For example macrocythemic anemia can signal gastric cancer.

 It turned out that in every cancer patient not only cancer cells circulate in blood, but also in this blood circulates ‘cell-free DNA’ that comes from cancer cells. This free DNA is different from the DNA from healthy cells. However, the possibility of its detection is greater with the increasing number of these cells. So, it complicates the situation because it indicates an advanced stage of the disease. It is very hard to detect cancer when these cells are scarce. 

 This is probably a step forward, but unfortunately, we can not call this a breakthrough. I hope it will come soon.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Frank Andriat “ROSE AFGHANE’’

Today I want to present you a book I've just read. Six young Afghan girls tell -with emotion and modesty- a moment of their life. Despite the war, despite the exile, despite death, they talk about their country in a very poignant way.
6 teenagers - 6 Afghan roses, tell us their adventures through a key moment of their existence, They live between violence, religion, extremism, war, family, exile and hope .
I really enjoyed discovering these 6 stories: the fate of these adolescent girls is often tragic but always filled with the feeling that a better future is possible, they only knew the war.
Farzana, who had chosen to rebel by admitting her love to the handsome Noorullah, can’t stand that his family betrothed him to another girl.
 Najmah, who lives in Paris, doesn't dare to ask her father why he looks so sad and why he finally left Afghanistan despite the fear. But she manages to discover his secret…
 Mariam realizes that her brother becomes a terrorist but she doesn’t know how to tell it to her father.
Chekeba and Sharif, who clandestinely left the country in the direction of France, have to answer a questionnaire of a French civil servant about the circumstances of this flight. They can’t say everything…

Although their adventures are different, mamy common aspects are visible and this is the beauty of this volume.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Avocado is considered as one of the healthiest food. Many claim that this is  "Superfood”. For some people it may be a surprise that it is a fruit, not a vegetable. In some parts of the world avocado it is called the “alligator pear” because of its shape and dark green, rough skin. Although avocado contains a lot of calories, this calories are full of nutritional value.

The health benefits of avocados:
Ø  Brain: avocado combines the omega-3 fatty acid with natural vitamin E, which is a clinically validated as prevention against the development of Alzheimer's disease.
Ø  Heart: included in the avocado vitamin B6 and folic acid naturally help regulate homocysteine, which - if it is too much - is the indication of a bad heart condition.
Ø  Pregnancy: Folic acid is commonly recommended for pregnant women to help develop the child’s brain and other organs.
Ø  Eyes: Avocados contain carotenoids - lutein. Lutein is an antioxidant that protects the eyes from damage caused by oxidative stress.
Ø  The blood sugar level: monounsaturated fatty acids can prevent or reverse insulin resistance, one of the causes of Type II diabetes.

Ø  Malignancies: avocados may help protect against prostate cancer and breast cancer.

So... let's eat avocado!

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Recently we celebrated Fat Thursday. That day we can eat a lot of delicious donuts. Unfortunately, donuts bring to mind calories. But Fat Tuesday is a tradition! Once a year you can afford this pleasure :)
·         How many calories have a donut? It depends. The classic donut with a weight of 80 grams has 341 calories.
·         How many donuts does the average Pole eat on this day? The average is two or three.
·         In 2015 the winner consumed 10 donuts in 6 minutes and 36 seconds.
·         Happy Donut? There is a tradition which assumes that anyone who finds a nut in the donut find happiness. This custom is forgotten, but the real housewives know about this custom and practice it.
·         Romans celebrated Fat Thursday first. They celebrated in this way the end of winter and expressed joy because of the coming of spring. In Poland, Fat Thursday began celebrating around the seventeenth century.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Today I want to show you some interesting facts you should know

  •  A killer whale is able to jump up to 5 meters above the water surface.
  • A human blinks about 20 times per minute.
  • When a person dies, the first sense that  he loses is sight. Hearing is the last.
  • We see our nose all the time but the brain ignores it.
  • Our left lung is smaller than our right lung to allow room for heart.
  • To make a step you use 200 muscles.
  • We use 17 muscles to smile.
  • The human brain cell can hold 5 times as much information as the Encyclopedia Britannica.
  • The tooth is the only part of the human body which can not regenerate itself.
  • The human nose can recognize 50 000 different odors
  • The navel divides the body of a newborn baby into two equal parts.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Hello! Today I want to present you my summary of very interesting article ;) 

The article entitled “How Sugar Addiction Works” written by Melanie Radzicki  McManus presents the problem of addiction to sugar.  At the beginning, the author underlines that the average people’s daily caloric intake of sugar is upper that should be. In general, the best amount of sugar totals less than 5 percent, but  in Portugal, for example, in children’s diet the amount of extra sugars represents 25% of kids’ daily calories.  This omnipresence of added sugar is due to the fact that these sugars are added during food processing to give them a better taste.
Next, the author passes on a reflection if it is possible to be addicted to sweets. As in the case of other addictions, people who adore sweets do not control the consumption. Also,  when we eat sweets, huge amounts of dopamine are emitted. It is released into the bloodstream, resulting in stimulation of “reward center”.  This multiplies the feeling of pleasure and this is another common trait with other addictions. On the other hand, one team of scientists claimed that people can be addicted to eating but not to the chemical substances contained in food - but it does not change the fact that sugar has bad impact on health.
In recent years addition of sugar into food has become very popular. It was due to the change in dietary habits and the resignation of fats in 1980. But as we know, fat gives flavor to dishes, so the food industry had to replace it with something. They switched to sugar. Consequently,  sugar consumption increased. It is worth to remind here what is the repercussion of the spike-and-crash syndrome. This phenomenon causes a “loosening” of blood sugar levels which means rapid rise and fall of glucose levels. Unluckily, then our body demands more sugar and so on.
Fortunately, there is the light at the end of the tunnel. The Food and Drug Administration want to include added sugars on the “nutrition facts” label. It may signify interest in this problem.
The article ends with a reflection on how to wean from eating sweets. For example, we can gradually reduce the number of teaspoons of sugar added to coffee or we can begin to exercise (it affects the brain and then it is more resistant to sight of sweets).

Monday, January 16, 2017

Disadvantages of smoking
Smoking  is  a  bad  habit  for  several  reasons  which  are  associated  with  health,  beauty  and money. First of all, smoke has a very big influence on the health state.  Studies show that lung cancer  is  a  disease  that  affects  almost  exclusively  smokers.  But  there  are  also  many  other ailments caused by cigarettes,  for example cardiovascular disease or ocular discomfort. Next, this habit destroys  beauty. Among smokers skin  aging is visible much faster  and this problem appears,  among other things,  through spots on the skin and  previous  formation  of wrinkles. Similarly,  the  hair becomes brittle  and  the  teeth turn yellow.  Consequently, the smoker  looks much older.  Finally,  smoking concerns individual financial issues.  Small amounts regularly spent on cigarettes grow to the value of foreign trips, modern electronic equipment, and even a decent car. In other words, cigarette smoking  results in serious consequences that  involve health, good looks and cash.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Here comes the difficult period in the life of every student which is the examination session. And how can you prepare well, when there is so little time?
Just remember that the notes is the most valuable thing in this period to pass school subjects. The first step to move forward is to collect all the notes from class.
Once we have the necessary learning materials, it is right at the beginning to make the action plan. Write down on a piece of paper when and for what school subject  you have a colloquium. Take into account the upcoming deadlines.
Next, see how much material you need to learn. You need to estimate about how much time it will take you to learn a whole. Then you have to estimate on how many days you can divide the learning and how much time each day you should spend on it.
If the notes you get are not readable, I recommend rewriting them on your computer or by hand.
Then, consider whether you have good lighting and if the place is suitable for learning.

One way to accelerate learning is to highlight the most important things.
Another way is to repeat information aloud.
Also, you should take a break hourly.
Furthermore, it is good to like dried fruits and nuts;) it improves the efficiency of the mind, concentration and memory.

I hope that my advice will be useful. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

New Year's Eve is a good time for a moment of reflection and reckoning with ourselves. What we have achieved? What we want to pursue? Popular New Year's resolutions are the result of such thinking.

How to keep New Year's resolutions?

-First of all, do not plan too many of them - 2 or 3 completed within one year is sufficient success.
-To increase your chances you must plan everything well -> start with small steps and enjoy each new achievement that brings you closer to the goal.

How to measure your New Year's resolutions?

Above all, look at it realistically - you will not be a millionaire in a month ;) Ask yourself what you care about, what particularly bothers you to achieve complete happiness, or what you wish for.

Here are a few examples of New Year's resolutions:

1)I'll learn a foreign language
2) I'll start exercising and I will limit sweets
3) I'll be better organized
4) I'll improve relationships with relatives

And you? Have you made any New Year's resolutions? ;)